Tuesday, November 28, 2006

In the beginning there was Lighthouse....

Well then, Ladies and Gentlemen from around the world, I'd like to welcome you to my Blog. This is apparently the thing to do in the digital age, and I must admit, is something I swore I'd never do, but more on that later. Firstly I feel I must introduce myself.

Before I do the introductions however, I must explain my dilemma. One I'm sure that is shared by other bloggers (as I'm now in the club). Do I try and retain a certain degree of anonymity, allowing me to blog away without fear of reprisal, personal embarrassment, or incurring the wrath of friends and family. Or do I blog in my own name, telling anyone who will listen about my international blogging success (let's aim high for now), yet loosing the ability to blog with impunity. Well I have been thinking long and hard and I'm going to attempt the former, to a degree. I will not be censoring myself (after all that’s what the Interweb is all about – except in China of course), and may let a few friends know about my blog, but not broadcast it, especially to those whom I might offend (farmers navigate away now). I’m certain if someone I knew were to put the pieces together they will work out who I am, but hey, what are the chances of that happening?

So, finally the introduction. In the interests of retaining a certain degree of anonymity, I would describe myself as a one legged dwarf with blue hair. I live in a lighthouse, drive a red car, and can be seen about town every week, where you might spot me impersonating buses and heavy goods vehicle as they reverse.. BEEP.. BEEP.. BEEP. Well, at least one fact there was true ;-)

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